Yes. We are currently working on a "Your Songs" update that will enable you to register multiple samples under the same song, however in the meantime, you would need to register each sample separately.
In regards to the share registration you would:
- Register each sample on our site separately as if there is only one sample used. You would need to pay for a license for each sample but only add your writers and publishers to each registration.
- Take the the total splits for all the sample rightsholders from both registrations, and then calculate your share based on the remaining percentage if you register it with a PRO. So for example, if you have two samples that you are required to share 10% of the revenue with, you would register them both on Tracklib as 90/10 splits, but make a single registration with your PRO as a 80/10/10 split.
If you need help working out the splits for your PRO registration, please reach out to the support team.